Exactly two weeks ago today, I arrived back at home after
spending ten weeks doing mission work in (in my opinion) the most
beautiful country on this planet. Many, actually ALL of you, who have spoken to
me since have asked me the same question: “How are you doing
transitioning back into America?” And I have generally answered the same way
each time… “Oh it’s not so bad, been an adjustment for sure but I am doing well.”
First let me say that I am truly grateful for all of you who
have cared so much to ask about my trip and spent hours listening to stories of
my travels around Belize. I am blessed to have such a good support system of
family and friends. And I want to apologize to anyone who I have not really responded
to yet about my trip because, well, it feels overwhelming and slightly impossible
to describe the life changing impact this summer had on me in just a few short
To be completely honest I’m not sure I really know how to
answer that question I’ve been hearing on almost a daily basis for the last two
weeks. “How are you doing being back at home Shannon?”
Or have I simply jumped back into my American life again like it
was all a big dream that I finally woke up from in my own comfy bed on the
morning of August 13th?
The reality is that I don’t know how I am doing just yet. I
don’t know how to think about Belize yet without feeling slightly lost in my
emotions. I gained a family down there. I loved on people more than I’ve ever
loved in my entire life. I discovered who I am in ways that I never thought
possible. I was healed of some painful wounds from my past, renewed, and restored
into an independent and confident woman and then thrown back into my home in
the blink of an eye.
Don’t get me wrong, I am SO grateful to be home. I love my
family more than words can express and seeing them and my friends these last
two weeks have lifted my spirits more and more each day. I am happy, amazed,
and in love with my life here in Seattle and this is not a post that is meant
to turn be a sob session.
It is just a post to express the simultaneous heartbreak I
feel upon leaving the place, and people, that I fell absolutely in love with
this summer.
You see it’s hard to go from a daily routine of meeting new
people, making new friends, loving more children, holding more little ones,
being out of my comfort zone, relying on God alone, stretching, loving, and growing back to a routine of living comfortably at home and seeing only the same
faces again every day. (Amazing faces by the way!) I knew this was coming, but
I didn’t know it would be so hard. After all, this was all I knew before
Belize, wasn’t it?
“Take me back… take
me back… God please take me back to Belize?” I pleaded.
No answer.
So I did what I usually do when I’m upset and I ate
chocolate (because chocolate fixes all my problems obviously!) And it’s funny, I
opened my little piece of Dove chocolate and on the inside of the wrapper was printed a few encouraging words. “You are exactly where you are supposed
to be,” read the wrapper. I stared at that for a minute and chuckled to myself.
“Thanks you, Jesus.” I thought.
And the reality is that it’s the truth. I am EXACTLY where I
am supposed to be. Right here, in Seattle, going to school, with many loved
ones surrounding me and no matter how confusing it may seem at times I know it’s
all a part of a bigger master plan for my life. So I am going to stop believing
that I can only do the things I did in Belize…. IN Belize. Because really, I
can love just as many people here, just as deeply, build just as strong
relationships and rely just as much on God as I did down there. It is up to me how
I want this transition to go and although I know it will still be hard at
times, at least I know it will all be worth it in the end.
I had the most amazing, challenging yet rewarding, and life
changing summer. I will never forget what I learned in Belize. I will never
forget my new family and all my amazing friends down there. And I will go back one day FOR
SURE… but until then, I will just continue to bring the love of Belize up here to
Seattle. J
Thank you all so much for reading my blog this summer. Thank you for the support, I love and
appreciate every one of you more than you know. This was a summer I will never, ever forget and I feel blessed to have had this opportunity at the young age of 20. I can't wait to see what the next chapter of my life will bring.
With much love from Seattle (& Belize at heart!),